Loop Ostomy Device

  • Combines the advantages of a rigid rod and flexible bridge
  • Easy to insert
  • No suturing
  • Elevates the stoma
  • Retaining rings prevent dislodgement
  • Soft silicone surface inhibits erosion into bowel
  • Sits above wafer to support the appliance
  • Easy to replace the stoma appliance with the device in place
  • Easy to remove, no scissors needed
  • Use with exteriorized bowel of any caliber
  • Use with stoma appliance of any size
  • Choose from three tubular bridges, small, medium and large, in a single package
  • Includes a sling for bowel retraction during surgery, no Penrose drain needed


  • Catalog No. EZL-02-NS
  • Supplied non-sterile
  • 5 units per box
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